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Feb. 26th, 2012


What's going on? Where am I? Where is my son? Why am I in some apartment with two men I've never met?

[OOC: Meet Lisa from 6.21, "Let It Bleed. She's had her memories erased by Castiel and doesn't know who Dean is. Hooray!]

Feb. 25th, 2012


Okay, this isn't funny! Where am I, and where is my husband?

((fake!Ruby, a la 6.15, "The French Mistake"))


hello hello testing

This place is odd.

Also. Why does my flatmate have a wardrobe full of clothes and I don't? Unfair.

Feb. 24th, 2012


Doctor? Please tell me the reason I woke up in some random flat is because you've been mucking about with the Rubik's cube/octopus-thing and that we haven't been kidnapped again. Because this is getting a bit ridiculous, even for us.

(post-4.13 Journey's End)

Feb. 23rd, 2012



What's the big idea? This was not part of the deal.

((she's from 6.15, Appointment in Samarra, and Dean is supposed to be Death for a Day))

Feb. 12th, 2012


I think I want a puppy.

Feb. 9th, 2012


Dean? Want to go out tonight? There's this gang of thugs downtown that I think ought to be taught a lesson. And the next troll who tries to slap my ass, so help me.

Feb. 8th, 2012


So apparently if someone won't shut up in the library, you're not allowed to wrap duct tape around their mouth and tie them to a chair in order to go over the institution's code of conduct. It's "against policy" for some reason.

Bloody well effective, though.

Feb. 5th, 2012


Maybe I'm just new to this whole kidnapping deal but I'm pretty sure the note is supposed to go to the family, not the person you've kidnapped. Which just about makes this the lamest kidnapping ever. The rest is hidden behind a cut, as it contains spoilers for SPN's latest episode 'The Slice Girls' )

Just saying.

Feb. 1st, 2012


Hello? Does anybody know who is in charge here?


So...let me get this straight.

I'm an "anomaly" and I've been brought to "another reality" because there's something wrong with me.

Awesome. Just awesome.

Because my life needed just that much more epic fail. Great. Thanks.

Jo? Did you get me drunk and leave me in a strange city with a cryptic message? Because that's kind of a dick move, I've gotta say. And also the worst practical joke ever.

And yet it's still preferable to any of this actually being true.

Jan. 29th, 2012


Might as well get this out of the way All I have to say is, I'm glad I have a downstairs apartment. Otherwise, I might have been obligated to want the communal situation back and that is not happening.


Finally found my way to the apartments, if anyone was worried. And I have to say, I definitely like having my own space, as opposed to that communal living arrangement you all had going on. What's up with that anyway?


All that togetherness, and I don't feel like I belong here any more than I ever did.


You'd tell me if you were ever going to go and collect my brother, yeah?

[Sammy (1)]
Hey. How're you feeling? Need anything?

Hey. How're you? Need anything?

I really just want to get shit faced and hide from the world. I'm not cut out for this shit. This isn't how wanted to reconcile things with Sammy. Is this even a real reconciliation? Or will things go back to the way it was, once he's better?



Bet you have the perfect cure for my rampant boredom. Otherwise I might start using my brothers for target practice.

Jan. 27th, 2012


I'll be in the TARDIS if anyone needs me. In fact, I'm not planning to leave it. That's right. I'm staying inside. I'm not even going to go to work. They can fire me if they like, though really, I don't see any reason the students can't teach themselves until I e-mail them the final.


I'm so glad that's over and done with. Not that it wasn't a whole load of fun, but I'm glad to have my own place again.

Lisa )

Ben )

Other Sammy )


Well. It looks like we managed not to kill each other after all.

Jan. 20th, 2012


Is there anywhere here anyone suggests to take a three year old? Are there any sort of nurseries here?

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